Learn more about life in Pryor - a place we are proud to call "Home"!
There are more than 43 Protestant Churches and 1 Catholic Church in Pryor.
Click here for a list of Church MembersIndustry
Pryor is home to MidAmerica Industrial Park: Oklahoma’s largest industrial park and the country’s largest rural industrial park. The Park is home to more than 80 industries, employing nearly 4,000.
Some on-site services available to Park industries, Pryor and Mayes County, include: a 20,000 sq. ft. Expo & Conference Center; technical training and higher education facilities; and an airport capable of accepting most corporate jets. Mayes County is one of the state’s foremost manufacturing centers.
Trade Area
The retail area has a radius of 25 miles with a population of 135,150. More than one million reside within a 40-mile radius of Pryor.
Transportation Accessibility
Pryor is located at the intersection of US 69, SH 20. It sits near the center of the nation, near I-35, I-40 and I-44 and SH 144
MidAmerica Airport, 4 miles from town, is owned and maintained by MidAmerica Industrial Park.
Jet fuel is available and the foot lighted runway extends 5,000 feet to accommodate most corporate jets. Both enclosed and open hangers are available.
Tulsa International Airport is 40 miles west of the community.
Communications and Media Services
Newspapers, The Paper (Sunday)
Internet, Vyve Broadband
Online Media, Pryor Information PublicationTourism
Mayes County sits in the “Heart of Green Country” surrounded by lakes and tourist attractions. Pryor is less than 50 miles from more than 2,500 miles of lakeshore
We are located just 10 minutes from Lake Hudson, the region’s “best kept secret” for being one of the best fishing lakes in Oklahoma. Other nearby lakes also offer exceptional fishing opportunities along with skiing and sailing.
Interested in learning more? Click here to request a relocation & tourism packet!
Public Library
Thomas H. Harrison Pryor Public Library houses more than 40,000 volumes. A microfilm library that includes all Mayes County newspapers dating back to 1904. The library is a public access point to the Internet and houses numerous computers for the public’s use.
Arts and Entertainment
The state-of-the-art Herchel Avra Performing Arts Center at Pryor High School seats 1,100, Whitaker’s W.E.T.C. auditorium seats 250, the Northeast Tech auditorium and seminar facility seats 260. Rogers State University state of the art auditorium seats 150.
The recent addition is the conversion of the “old” city hall into the Mayes County Cultural Center, a small performing arts theater, City Hall Galleries and the Graham Community Center, which is all managed by the Pryor Area Arts & Humanities Council.
More than 85 organizations and civic clubs are enthusiastically attended by residents from around Mayes County.
630 feet above sea level
9.81 square mile
Average temperature in Pryor, in January, is 41°, with a July average of 78°. The area receives an annual average of 40” of rain and 7” of snow. Average number of flying days is 300.
City: 9,533
County: 41,259
Executive Director
Jennie VanBuskirk

About Pryor Main Street
Pryor's Main Street showcases the heart of Pryor - the downtown area rich in history and alive with small town charm. From shopping and dining to exploring history and architecture, to downtown living and working, downtown Pryor offers diverse resources and activities for residents and guests.
The Pryor Main Street program, which was launched just a few years ago has been successful in its efforts to preserve the Historical Downtown Region with its mid-century architecture.
Business Resources
State Chamber:
Better Business Bureau:
Oklahoma Tax Commission:
Oklahoma State Treasurer’s Office:
Oklahoma Department of Commerce:
Oklahoma Small Business Development Center:
U.S. Small Business Administration:
Entrepreneur Magazine:
City of Pryor:
Oklahoma Legislation:
State of Oklahoma:
Business Research
Patent Information:
United States
US Department of Commerce:
US Census Bureau:
Internal Revenue Service:
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: