About Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce
Our Story
Business as usual? No way, not with this uniquely strategic Pryor partnership. To begin with, more than just businesses are welcome to the Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce (PACC). Members of PACC come from all sectors of the community and from all around the area. Whether you are a private citizen or a member of a civic/charitable group, whether you’re a sole proprietor or a corporate VP, you should know that PACC works for you—and has a place for you in the organization.
Because at PACC, it all comes down to people like you. People join PACC because they know this is an organization that makes a real difference, in catalyzing and sustaining a robust economy, in creating a higher quality of life for the entire community, in bringing people together with opportunity. With PACC’s help, business functions more productively, and residents enjoy greater personal benefits from living in the Pryor Creek area.
The Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who invest their time and money in a community development program – working together to improve the economic, civic, and cultural well being of the area. The PACC is not a part of local or national government, nor is it a charitable organization.
Any citizen who is interested in helping to develop the area, creating more money; more business; more jobs; and, a better quality of living for Pryor. Everyone is eligible for PACC membership. The Chamber’s work is financed by the investment of the members. The dues structure is designed to permit even the smallest business to be a member.
The PACC is composed of committee workers, directors and officers who serve without pay. The staff, who devote their full time to Chamber work, are the only paid employees.
Interesting Facts About Pryor
The PACC building was originally American National Bank in 1907.
The PACC Building was originally two stories, but the tornado in 1942 took the top story off.
The Building was built in the early 1900's. Making the building over 100 years old.
The original stone work is still featured at the Chamber's front doors.